How do I use ProQuest?


ProQuest Dissertations and Theses: Global is the official dissertations archive for the Library of Congress. The database includes millions of dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day, making it one of the world’s most comprehensive collection. Use the Advanced search feature on the home page to find specific resources. Enter keywords in the search box(s). Use filters to narrow your search by author, publisher, and language.


Other helpful filters include:

  1. Field: You may select a Boolean operator such as AND, OR, and NOT.
  2. Full-Text: This will ensure your search only provides articles that you have full access to.
  3. Year: Set the appropriate time range for your results.

Download the full research guide pdf to learn how to cite articles, find subject terms, and much more! Also, ProQuest has great training videos here. or you can view our ProQuest database tip sheet, attached below.

  • Last Updated Jul 12, 2024
  • Views 28
  • Answered By John Hong

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